This year Akshaya Tritiya falls on 14 th May 2021. It is celebrated on the sukhla tritiya of Chittirai month of Tamil Panchangam. It coincides with the nakshatram 'Rohini' (upto 5:45am)the star of Lord Krishna. ‘Akshaya’ means in Sanskrit means never diminishing. Hence the day of Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring success and good luck which never diminishes. So people try to do all the good things which they want never to be diminished in their life. Mahurat of Akshaya Tritiya Tritiya begins at 05:39am on 14h May 2021 Tritiya ends at 05:00am on 15th May 2021 Auspicious time : May 14, 05:40 to 12:17 PM Duration = 6 Hours 37 Mins Yugadi, Akshaya Tritiya and Vijaya Dashami are the three days which are so auspicious and free from all malefic effects that starting new ventures need no checking any muhurtam. In Tamil they say (கொடுத்து வச்சாத்தான் கிடைக்கும்)Kodutthu vaichhaathaan kidaikkum which means if we had given before (invested) we can get it no...
Sankalpam for daily puja. Daily inputs for Year, Ayanam, Rithu, Paksham, Thithi, Day, and nakshatram