This year Akshaya Tritiya falls on 14th May 2021. It is celebrated on the sukhla tritiya of Chittirai month of Tamil Panchangam. It coincides with the nakshatram 'Rohini' (upto 5:45am)the star of Lord Krishna. ‘Akshaya’ means in Sanskrit means never diminishing. Hence the day of Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring success and good luck which never diminishes. So people try to do all the good things which they want never to be diminished in their life.
Mahurat of Akshaya Tritiya Auspicious time : May 14, 05:40 to 12:17 PM Yugadi, Akshaya Tritiya and Vijaya Dashami are the three days which are so auspicious and free from all malefic effects that starting new ventures need no checking any muhurtam.
In Tamil they say (கொடுத்து வச்சாத்தான் கிடைக்கும்)Kodutthu vaichhaathaan kidaikkum which means if we had given before (invested) we can get it now.
So let us see what can be invested during this auspicious time:
- Investment in gold. Everybody knows that the value of gold will increase only.
- Starting a business, starting a new class, learning a new sloka
- Investment in good deeds. Giving alms, food to the needy. So we will ever be in a position to give.
- Expressing gratefulness to God for the all the blessing he has bestowed on us.
Important Events on Akshaya Tritiya
- The Treta Yuga began
- Ganesha started writing the epic Mahabharata to Ved Vyas’s dictation.
- The river Ganges, the most sacred river of India descended to the Earth from the heaven.
- Lord Parusurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu and Hayagreeva had incarnated.
- The visit of Sudhama to Lord Krishna’s place.
- Goddess Annapurna, the goddess of Food who is an incarnation of Goddess Parvati takes birth on the propitious day of Akshaya Tritiya.
- Lord Krishna gave Akshaya Patra to Pandavas on this day.
- On this day, the River Ganges descended from the heaven on earth.
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