27-2-2025 WEDNESDAY
(Wear the pavitram on right hand ring finger/ 2 small Dharbha as Asanam under the legs 2 small Dharbha between the Pavitram)
OM Shuklam Bharadharam Vishnum Sasivarnam Chaturbhujam Prasannavadhanam Dyayeth Sarvavignopa Shanthaye.
Om Bhoohu,Om Bhuvaha, Om Suvaha, Om Mahaha, Om Janaha, OmThapaha, Ougum Satyam.Om Thatsavithurvarenyam Bhargodevasaya Dheemahi Dhiyoyona Prachodayath,OmĀpo
(Meaning at the end of this page)
Jyothirasomrutham Brahma
Om Om Om.
Mamopattha Samastha Durithakshayadhwara Sri Parameshwara Preethyartham. Thadeva Lagnam Sudhinam Thadeva Tharabalam Chandrabalam Thadeva Vidhyabalam Daivabalam Thadeva Sri Laxmipathe he Agriyugam Smarami. Apavithraha Pavithrova Sarva Vastham Gathopiva Yasmareth Pundarikaksham, Sabhahya Abhyanthara Suchihi, Manasam Vachikam Papam Karmana Samuparjitham Sri Rama Smaranenaiva Vyapohathi Nasamsayaha Sri Rama Rama Rama Thithir Vishnuhu Thathevaraha Nakshatram Vishnurevacha Yoghacha Karanam Chaiva Sarvam Vishnumayam Jagath Sri Govinda Govinda Govinda Ādhya Sri Bagavathaha Mahapurushasya Vishnoho Ājnaya Pravarthamanasya Adhya Brahmanaha Dwitheeya ParĀrdhe Shwetha Varahaha Kalpe Vaivaswatha Manwanthare Ashta vimshathithame Kaliyuge Prathame Pathe Jamboo Dweepe Bharatha Varshe, Bharatha Khande Meroho Dakshine parshwe SakĀbde Asmin Varthamane Vyavaharike Prabhavathi Sashti Samvatsaranam Madhye
Krodhi nama samvathsare,Uttarayane
Sisira Rithou
Kumbham Mase
Krishna Pakshe
Chaturdasi upto 8:54am and then Amavasya subha thithou
Guru vasara yukhtayām
Dhanishta upto 3:43pm and then Shatabhisha Nakshatra yukhtayām
Shiva nama Yoga
Sakuni upto 8:54am, Chatushpada upto 7:37pm and then Nagava nama Karana nama Karana
Evamguna Visheshana Vishistayam Asyam
AMAVASYAYĀM Punyathithow
(Put the Poonal Left Side).
(Say your Gothram)
Vasu Rudra Adithya Swarupanam Asmadh
Pithru, Pithamaha, Prapithamahanam
Mathru Pithamahi PraPithamaheenam
Pithamahi, Pithu Pithamahi, Pithu PraPithamaheenam
...........Gothranam (Say Your Mama's Gothram)Vasu Rudra Adithya Swarupanam Asmadh Sapatneeka
Mathamaha, Mathu Pithamaha, Mathu, PraPithamahanam
Mathamahi, Mathu Pithamahi, Mathu
…………………….Ubhayavamsha Pithrunam Akshaya Tripthyartham
Vargadwaya Pithrun Udhisya DARSA SRĀDHAM Hiranya Roopena AdhyĀdhya Karishye. Thadangam thila tharpanam cha adhya karishye
(Remove the Extra Small Dharba on the North Side and touch water)
(Wear Poonal on the left side and do avahanam on the koorcham.Take ellu in the hand after chanting following mantra put Ellu on the koorcham)
2 Small Dharbha Take Stand By Two Side/5 Big Dharbha Kurcham Nuni Put In South Side.
Ayatha Pitharaha Swomya Gambeeraibi Pathibhihi Poorvaihi Prajam Asmabhyam Dadhatho Rayincha Dhirgayuthvancha Sathasaradhancha Om Bhurbuvashvaroom Asmin Kurche Mama Vargadhwaya Pithrun dhyayami/Āvahayami.(Put Ellu on the koorcham)
Vargadwvaya Pithrunam Idhamasanam.(Take 2 Small Dharbha Put on Kurcham/Take Ellu) Thiladhi Sakala Aradhanai Suvarchidham.FOR RIGVEDAM
Usanthathwa Hawamahe Usantha Samidheemahi Usannasatha Avaha Pithrun Havishe Atthave Aum Bhoor Bhuvaswarom - Asmin Koorche Mama Vargadwaya PithrunDhyayami Āwahayami
(Put Ellie on the Koorcham)Vargadwaya Pithrunam Idamasanam
(Put two dharba on the koorcham)Thiladi Sakalaradhanai Suvarchitam(Put some Ellu on the Koorcham)
Etha Pitharaha Soumyasaha Ghambeerebhihi Pathibhihi Poorvanebhihi Dattasmabhyam Dravinehabadram Rayinchana Sarvaveeram Niyaschatha Usanthastwa Havamaha Usantha Samidheemahi Usannusathatha Avaha Pithrun Havishe Atthave Aum Bhoor Bhuvaswarom - Asmin Koorche Mama Vargadwaya Pithrun
Dhyayami Āwahayami(Put Ellu on the Koorcham)Vargadwaya Pithrunam Idamasanam
(Put two dharba on the koorcham)Thiladi Sakalaradhanai Suvarchitam(Put some Ellu on the Koorcham)
- (Name of your Gothram)
(Your Father's name) Sharmanaha
Vasuroopan Pithrun
(3 times)
- (Name of your Gothram)
……….... Gothranam
(Your Grand Father's Name) Sharmanaha
Rudraroopan Pithamahan
(3 times)
- (Name of your Gothram)
(Your Great Grand Father's Name)
Adhithyarupan Prapithamahan
(3 times)
- (Name of your Gothram)
(Your Mother's Name)
Vasurupa Mathru
Swatha Namas Tharpayami (3 Times)
- (Name of your Gothram)
(Your Father's Mother's Name)
Rudrarupa Pithamahi
Swada Namas
Tharpayami (3 times)
- (Name of your Gothram)
(Your Father's Grand Mother's Name)
Swadha Namas Tharpayami (3 times)
C.(Those Mother Alive say)
1.(Name of your Gothram)
(Your Father's Mother's name)
Swadha Namas Tharpayami)(3 times)
- (Name of your Gothram)
(Your Father's Grand Mother's Name)
(3 Times)
- (Name of your Gothram)
(Your Father's Great Grand Mother's Name)
Pithu Prapithamahi
(3 times)
- (Name of Your Mama's Gothram)
……………. Gothranam
(Your Mother's Father's'Name)
Vasuroopan Mathamahan
Swatha Namas Tharpayami (3 times)
- (Name of your Mama'sGothram)
(Your Mother's Grand Father's Name) Sarmanaha
Mathu Pithamahan Swatha Namas Tharpayami (3 times)
3 .(Name of your Mama's Gothram)
(Your Mother's Great Grand Father's Name) Sarmanaha Adhithyarupan
Mathu Prapithamahan Swatha Namas Tharpayami (3 times)
(Name of your Mama's Gothram)
Gothraha (Your Mother's Mother's Name) Namneem
Vasurupa Mathamahi
Swatha Namas Tharpayami (3 times)
2.(Name of your Mama's Gothram)
…………. Gothraha
(Your Mother's Grand Mother's Name) Namneem
Mathru Pithamahi Swadha Namas Tharpayami (3 times)
3.(Name of your Mama's Gothram)
(Your Mother's Great Grand Mother's Name) Namneem Adhithyarupa
Mathru Prapithamahi Swatha Namas Tharpayami(3 times)
(If any one of the member alive do not mention them while doing tharpanam)
Jnatha jnatha Vargadwaya Pithrun Swadha NamasTharpayami(3 Times)
(For each Tharpanam add Swadhanamas Tharpayami 3 times)
1. Achayan
2. Acharya Patnim
3. Gurun
4. Guru Patnim
5. Sakhin
6. Sakhi Patnim
7. Jnathin
8. Jnathi Patnim
9. Amathyan
10.Amatha Patnim
Jnatha Jnatha Acharya Vargadwaya Pithru Swadhanamas Tharpayami (3 times)
Urjam Vahanthi Amrutham Gritham Payaha Keelalam Parisrutham Swadhastha Tharpayadhame Mama Pithrun.Thrupyatha,Thrupyatha, Thrupyatha.
(Change Poonal to Right Side)
Devathapya Pithrupyacha Mahayogibya Evacha Namas Swathaye Swahaye Nithyameheva Namo Namaha||
Yani Kanicha Papani janmanthara Kruthanicha Thani Thani Vinashyanthi Pradhakshina PathePathe ||
Namo Bramanya Devaya O Bramana Hithayacha Jagat Hithaya Krishnaya Sri Govindaya Namo Namaha|| (Say Abhivadaye Do Namaskaram)
(Wear Poonal Left Side/Take ellu)
Ayatha Pitharaha Swomya Gambiraihi Pathibhihi Poorvai Prajam Asmabhyam Dadhatho Rayincha Dhirgayuthwancha Sadhasaradhancha Om Bhurbuvashvaroom Asmadh Kurchath Mama Vargathvaya Pithrun Yethasthanam Prathittapayami (put ellu)
Sobhanarthe shyemaya Punaha Agamanayacha.
Usanthathwa Hawamahe Usantha Samidheemahi Usannasatha Āvaha Pithrun Havishe Atthave Aum Bhoor Bhuvaswarom - Asmath Koorchath Mama Vargadwaya Pithrun
Yathastanam Prathishapayami Shobanarthe kshemaya Punaragamanaya cha.
Etha Pitharaha Soumyasaha Ghambeerebhihi Pathibhihi Poorvanebhihi Dattasmabhyam Dravinehabadram Rayinchana Sarvaveeram Niyaschatha Usanthastwa Havamaha Usantha Samidheemahi Usannusathatha Avaha Pithrun Havishe Atthave Aum Bhoor Bhuvaswarom - Asmat Koorchat Mama Vargadwaya Pithrun
Yathastanam Prathishtapayami - Shobhanarthe Kshemaya Purangamanaya Cha.
(Remove kurcham and Balance ellu on right hand- on left-hand water in the Panchapatram and chant below mantra)
Yesham Na Matha Na Pitha Na Bandhuhu Na Annya Gothrina They Sarve Trupthimayanthu Mayosrusttaihi Kusodhagaihi Thrupyatha,Thrupyatha, Thrupyatha.(pour water).
(wear Poonal on right side remove knot of the
Pavitram put it on both side and do Achamanam)
Acharya Sambhavanai
(Take dakshina )
Hiranya Garba Garbastham Hemabheejam Veebhavasoho Anantha Punya phalatham Atha Shantim Prayachhame amavasya Punyakale Thila Tharpana SĀthgunyartham Idham Hiranyam Sa Dakshinakam Acharyaya Thubyamaham Sampradadhe.Om Thatsath.
ॐ भूः, ॐ भुवः, ॐ सुवः, ॐ महः, ॐ जनः, ॐ तपः, ॐ सत्यं।ॐ तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्।
ॐ आपो ज्योतिरमृतं ब्रह्म। भूर्भुवः सुवः ॐ।
ॐ भूः, ॐ भुवः, ॐ सुवः (Om Bhoohu, Om Bhuvaha, Om Suvaha:) = We invoke the three worlds—Earth (Physical Realm), Atmosphere (Mental Realm), and Heaven (Spiritual Realm).
ॐ महः, ॐ जनः, ॐ तपः, ॐ सत्यं। (Om Mahaha, Om Janaha, Om Tapaha, Om Satyam:) = We invoke the higher realms—Mahaha (Cosmic Intelligence), Janaha (Realm of Divine Beings), Tapaha (Austerity), and Satyam (Ultimate Truth).
ॐ तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्। (Om Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat:) = We meditate upon the divine light of the Supreme Creator (Savitur). May that divine light inspire and guide our intellect.
ॐ आपो ज्योतिरमृतं ब्रह्म। (Om Āpo Jyotir Amrutham Brahma)= Om, may the waters, light, and nectar of immortality unite us with Brahman, the ultimate reality.
भूर्भुवः सुवः ॐ। (Bhur Bhuvas Suvaha Om) = We offer reverence to the realms of the Earth, Atmosphere, and Heaven.
ज्योतिरस्मृतं ब्रह्म भूर्भुवः सुवरोम्।
ज्योतिः (Jyotih): Light or Radiance
अमृतम् (Amritam): Immortality or Nectar
ब्रह्म (Brahma): The Supreme or Universal Consciousness
भूः (Bhur): The Earth, the physical realm
भुवः (Bhuvah): The Atmospheric or Mental realm
सुवः (Suvah): The Celestial or Spiritual realm
ओम् (Om): The primordial sound, representing the essence of the universe
"The Light is Immortality; Brahman is the Supreme. The three realms (Earth, Atmosphere, and Heaven) are permeated by the cosmic essence (Om)."
ममोपात्त समस्त दुर्गतक्षयद्वारा श्री परमेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थम्।
तदेव लग्नं सुदिनं तदेव ताराबलम् चन्द्रबलं तदेव।
विद्याबलं दैवबलं तदेव श्री लक्ष्मीपतिहि अग्रियुगं स्मरामि।
अपवित्रः पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्थां गतोपि वा यस्मरेत् पुण्डरीकाक्षम्,
स बाह्याभ्यन्तरः शुचिः।
मानसं वाचिकं पापं कर्मणा समुपार्जितम् श्री रामस्मरणेनैव व्यपोहति न संशयः।
श्री राम राम राम।
तिथिर्विष्णुः तदेव राहुः नक्षत्रं विष्णुरेव च योगश्च करणं चैव सर्वं विष्णुमयं जगत्।
श्री गोविन्द गोविन्द गोविन्द।
आद्य श्रीभगवतः महापुरुषस्य विष्णोः आज्ञया प्रवर्तमानस्य अद्य ब्रह्मणः द्वितीय परार्धे श्वेतवराह कल्पे वैवस्वत मन्वन्तरे अष्टविंशतितमे कलियुगे प्रथम पादे जम्बूद्वीपे भारतवर्षे, भारतखण्डे मेरुहो दक्षिणे पार्श्वे शकाब्दे अस्मिन वर्तमानव्यवहारिके प्रभवाधि षष्टिसंवत्सराणां मध्ये...
**"For the destruction of all my accumulated sins and to please the Supreme Lord, Sri Parameshwara, I invoke auspicious moments, a good day, strong planetary influences (Tarabalam) and the strength of the moon (Chandrabalam). I also invoke the strength of knowledge and the strength of divine grace. I remember the auspicious era of Sri Lakshmipati (Vishnu).
Whether pure or impure, whether one has gone through all possible situations, whoever remembers the lotus-eyed Lord (Vishnu), becomes purified both externally and internally. The sins accumulated through thought, speech, and action are eradicated by the mere remembrance of Lord Sri Rama; there is no doubt about this. Sri Rama, Sri Rama, Sri Rama.
The day (Tithi) is presided over by Vishnu, as are the planetary configurations (Rahu), the stars (Nakshatra), and the yoga and karana (astrological influences). The entire universe is pervaded by Vishnu. Everything is Vishnu's form. Sri Govinda, Govinda, Govinda!
Now, with the command of the Supreme Being, Sri Bhagavan Vishnu, who presides over the universe, in the second half of Brahma's life, in the current Kalpa known as the Shveta Varaha Kalpa, during the reign of the Vaivasvata Manu, in the 28th cycle of the Kali Yuga, in the first quarter, on the planet Jambudvipa, in the region known as Bharatavarsha, in the southern part of Mount Meru, in the current 60-year cycle of the Shaka era..."**
वसु (Vasu): Refers to the Vasus, the deities associated with elements like earth, fire, wind, etc., symbolizing the vital energies of nature.
रुद्र (Rudra): Refers to the Rudras, who are fierce and destructive forms of Lord Shiva, representing the aspect of dissolution.
आदित्य (Aditya): Refers to the Adityas, solar deities, symbolizing the illuminating and sustaining forces of the universe.
स्वरूपाणाम् (Swarupanam): Of the form or embodiment of
अस्मत् (Asmat): Our
पितृ (Pithru): Fathers or ancestors
पितामह (Pitamaha): Grandfathers
प्रपितामह (Prapitamaha): Great-grandfathers
"This is for our ancestors, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who are in the forms of the Vasus, Rudras, and Adityas (the deities representing the forces of nature)."
Madam, it was very useful. You are doing great service for our community. Keep it up. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Deletehow about inclusion of deva & rishi tarpanam in amavasya
ReplyDeletenamaste ji..
ReplyDeleteif you have details about shannavati tarpanam, please upload. possible, in tamil please.
is there any possibility of getting tarpanam and nitya panchangam details in tamil, please.
prayers for prosperity...
nc mouleeswaran
New post on Shannavathi Tharpanam added. Hope it would help you.
Deletecan i get other countries sankalpam in Sanskrit / Devanagari Ji (like Bharatha Varshe, Bharatha Kande)
Deleteஅருமையான பதிவுக்கு நன்றி அருமையான பதிவுக்கு மிக்க நன்றி
ReplyDeleteVery useful content. I wish to tell two things:
ReplyDelete1. Please add a heading as to people doing at home themselves here only Thila Tarpanam. Only if sastrigal comes to perform it the Hiranya roopena comes. It is necessary to mention clearly.
2. Thadangam - this word suddenly appears but I have not seen or heard it before. What is the meaning? Because although we recite Sanskrit words we don't know it's meaning. General text or OK but when you wanting say """if you are performing with Sastrigal""' please add it's meaning.
Fascinating post! Sidhpur Matrugaya historical and cultural significance is impressive. Your article beautifully captures its importance and offers valuable insights. Thanks for sharing this gem!
ReplyDeletePlease give complete word by word meaning of amavasya tarmpnam mantra. It will give lot more satisfaction if I know the meaning of each word when performing amavsya tarpanam