Our ancestors have associated religious function with the phases of the moon. Most festivals or vrathams occur in Amavasya, Purnima and Sankranti. These are called Sandhi. During this time people may get agitated, depressed, and may make mistakes. So cleverly our ancestors have planned various pujas and vrathams to keep people engaged in spiritual activities and mantra recitation to make the environment positively charged. These will lessen the impact of the Sandhi. Though it is not scientifically proven it is believed that phases of the moon affect the human body and mind in a small way. It is remarkably noticed in weaker and sick people. Our astrology is moon-based and gives the correct time for the phases of the moon. Our astrology is more scientific and western scientists will take ages to acknowledge the effects of moon phases. The gravitational pull of the earth and the moon combined causes tides. Sun is very big compared to earth and moon but since it is very far away it...
Sankalpam for daily puja. Daily inputs for Year, Ayanam, Rithu, Paksham, Thithi, Day, and nakshatram