VAIDHRITI SHRADDAM Performance of pithru tharpanam on the VAIDHRITI SHRADDAM is done to please the Pithru, Pithru Devatas and Pitru Ganas. Vaidhriti is the 27th Yoga in the list of 27 yogas. Vaidhriti is ruled by Guru Graha. The meaning of the term Vyatipata is ‘a period of calamity.’ It is bad for new beginnings, ceremonies, travel etc. They are considered for performing sacred ceremonies especially Pithru related and are included in the shannavati tharpanam. It is calculated by the degrees of moon and sun starting from Ashwini Nakshatra. There are 12 or sometimes 13 Vaidhriti yoga days in a year "When the Sun and Moon are in the same Ayana, but upon different sides of the equator, one south and the other north, with their minutes of declination the same, and the sum of their longitude is 360 degrees, Vaidhriti is present." Vaidhriti:Author: Anju Anand 18-6-2022 (Saturday) Rituals 1. Achamanam 2. Ganesha Dhyanam 3. Pranayam 4. Sankalpam Mamo part...
Sankalpam for daily puja. Daily inputs for Year, Ayanam, Rithu, Paksham, Thithi, Day, and nakshatram